Posted by : hellogarry Saturday, April 13, 2013

I've been waiting for this and it turned out all well I really laughed hard when Kyousuke was having a so called delusion of Kuroneko it was really priceless I can't stop laughing, I'm even embarrass myself just from watching it, I was pausing the video to keep up with the embarrassment hahaha. But I didn't get enough of Kuroneko screw Kirino, she took over the show well its obvious she is the main heroine though its not that I hate her, just that I like Kuroneko to be more of the center than, and I can't really wait for the Shironeko to appear, hopefully they will be showing it on this show!

I'm not really sure yet if it will really be shown in this Season but I really can't think of a better Arc than showing Gokou Ruri's affection and also they have given a lot of clues on this episode, it was just interrupted by Akagi, Sena which is obviously something is going on. Well I won't be saying more it might be a spoiler and its plainly my prediction of the show.

But it was really a great episode, I just didn't like showing some of the flash back I know its needed to recall them but somehow it wasted a bit of the time. So hopefully next week will be more develop and awesome episode!

My reaction when I woke up and check the anime streaming site!
Hahaha seriously I was surprise that it was already uploaded.

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