Posted by : hellogarry
Saturday, April 20, 2013
I really thought that this episode will be featuring Manami, but I was
wrong and glad about it. It features Saori's background how she became
an otaku and why she made her circle, its quite refreshing seeing some
changes or back-story from the supporting character, this is featured in
volume 9 of the light novel I think they are skipping some stories so
that they will compress the arc for Kuroneko and Kirino on the last
episodes which is really what I expected they would do, they are
starting the story slowly but accurately so that they will be giving a
bit time on each characters, on the next episode they will probably
feature the rival of Kirino from America well I don't really care.
This is what I got from this episode:
Green: I was wondering at first where I saw her but after a few minutes of thinking, I remembered I saw her on the first meeting of their circle on Episode 2.
Purple: Base from the sketches of Kanakana from this episode she was drawing the Queen of Nightmare(Kuroneko's cosplay) but at that time I think the anime was still not airing so from that I think Kanakana is the manga author of it, also she said "Buy my Book Again" which is a give away.
Pink: Kanakana is most likely a Kanako's big sister, because as you remembered on this episode Kanakana said that she also have a little sister and also they look a like both of them are small with twin-tails hairstyle which is a give away already.
Red: Well, obvious they are siblings if you really watch the anime.
Their connections with each others circles is really crazy, this coincidence is somehow really unbelievable but this makes the story better.
This is what I got from this episode:
Green: I was wondering at first where I saw her but after a few minutes of thinking, I remembered I saw her on the first meeting of their circle on Episode 2.
Purple: Base from the sketches of Kanakana from this episode she was drawing the Queen of Nightmare(Kuroneko's cosplay) but at that time I think the anime was still not airing so from that I think Kanakana is the manga author of it, also she said "Buy my Book Again" which is a give away.
Pink: Kanakana is most likely a Kanako's big sister, because as you remembered on this episode Kanakana said that she also have a little sister and also they look a like both of them are small with twin-tails hairstyle which is a give away already.
Red: Well, obvious they are siblings if you really watch the anime.
Their connections with each others circles is really crazy, this coincidence is somehow really unbelievable but this makes the story better.
I would have prefer another kind of story but this is better than what I
expected because this clears up my curiosity about Saori's real face
and identity, its really refreshing seeing and knowing it before the
story develops because if they release it on the later episode this will
just be something like a filler episode anyways this is a great
episode. I think I need to wait a month before seeing the real deal.
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