Posted by : hellogarry Saturday, April 27, 2013

I'm here once again to give another anime episode review and my personal opinion on Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai Season 2!

I really laughed hard just from the beginning, they really know how to start an episode. When Kyousuke said 'when did eroge became this advance' it was really priceless, I really hope that it will became that advance one day. They did well making the character named Ria, though I thought she was plotting something but that wasn't the case she only wants to know about where Kirino got her strength nothing else..was disappointing but still great though.

It was also funny when they got into Akihabara and Ria wondered around the doujinshi corner which is most likely full of adult mangas, I was really laughing hard when the guys inside was looking sharply over Ria while she was looking onto the book she pulled off. Oh they also showed some SAO Figure though I really don't care about it, I'm not really a hard core fan of that series. But indeed this episode is really cute in a way.

After that Ria and Kirino got into a race well after all it was what Ria wanted from the start she just wanted to get revenge and to have information how Kirino manage to get faster well Kirino lose I didn't expect that because when Kyousuke shouts he is a Siscon and not a Lolicon I thought for sure Kirino will be winning well it would really be a shame if Ria lose too, after all it was her goal to get her revenge.

Now everything got cleared up though I don't know who got a misunderstand if its Ria or Kyousuke, what I mean is about Kirino's strength is it really Eroge or her Brother, well most likely people already know the answer but I don't want to judge it yet.

Now I'm really curious about what Kirino is planning why did she say that "Be my Boyfriend" its really a cliff hanger though I know that it doesn't mean anything special I think she just wanted to avoid some other boy who is hitting on her, well I really won't expect too much of this because I don't careless about Kirino, I'm beaing bias over Kuroneko but who cares, I'm really getting bored over this Filler, its already episode 5 next week please give some update over Kuroneko I'm dying to know...what will really happen.

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