Posted by : hellogarry Saturday, May 11, 2013

I would say this is the best or should I say my most awaited episode? From the previous episode they introduced a new character named Mikagami an almost so perfect guy that have a hidden hobby of being an Otaku so he really suit Kirino well both of them are almost perfect to begin with. But before something happened I really loved how they showed Ayase once again and (#1) that handcuff was amazing made the entire discussion of Kyousuke vs Ayase the best I really love how they twist each other discussion but seriously I'm starting to enjoy Ayase's Yandere personality (#2 , #3).

Now going back to the main topic most of us know where things started? It was probably at the time on the Comiket where Kirino started noticing Kuroneko and Kyousuke being close and then seeing them talking to each other in front of her house(#4) this might be where the light started, and they Kirino just go with a plan right on the stop on the party. It seems like Kuroneko know it was all an act thats why she just decided to go because of Kirino being childish.

I kind feel like something bad will happen on the next few episode because of this stupidly childish act of Kirino which will ruin this show if ever THAT thing ever happen..what I mean with THAT is something what I have in mind.

Though before that we are still on the first half going into the second half, so Kirino have done her childish play which everyone almost knew (I mean everyone is people watching this show) but to be honest I enjoyed their +Fathers part more than hers. I mean who can't blame me their Father is one of the best sulking type of character when it comes to his daughter I was really laughing hard on that part (#1, #2).

Well it did ended up being all Fake...ohh I didn't know that just joking the heck I starting to hate Kirino's existence more. They did make up and I somehow love the part when their Mother comes up in the background (#3) its a pretty refreshing scene should I say?

But then again after making up Kuroneko is planning something (#4) considering Kuroneko's thinking she probably knows where this will lead? They might ruin their circle because of that decision but this is what I'm waiting for from the very beginning, and I really have a bad Feeling with Kirino in this one..But as we all know Kuroneko is sincere and she have never lied to begin with.

Anyways we already know this won't go that easy and there will be a rough road ahead.


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