Posted by : hellogarry Saturday, May 4, 2013

I love this episode best episode so far, I knew that it was just a pretend boyfriend from the start when Kirino said it on episode 4. But this was really a great, I was really laughing hard on the +500,00 yen scene (#1,#2) Kyousuke was almost like Oh? DEAL! Now on to avoid the agent more they have gone on a date I was already ready for them being exposed from their friends. When they saw Manami, I was kinda annoyed with Kirino puff (#3) reaction but I also somehow laughed on it. And other one was on Kanako I was somehow displeased when they are all love-dovey with each other what the hell you guys are brother and sister and what they are saying was almost real..After taking a picture they saw Kuroneko, I was really expecting this from the very beginning but nothing special happened it was just Kuroneko showing an awesome shocked face (#4) but I know they will use it later.

Moving on after the date, well it was to be expected that Kyousuke will say something stupid again..that bitch slap will never fail you (#7) I was really happy that happened well I'm not really going for Kirino after all so I don't really care, on to the (#5) this is what I'm really waiting for well from the very start of the series on episode 1 they showed Kuroneko once but not again, well they did showed her on Saori's arc though its not really related to the story, back to (#5) finally a declaration you should know of what it is.

(#6) was somehow annoying whats with Kyousuke's face is he really a 100% siscon already? Its kinda disappointing seeing him like this well the series' main heroine is Kirino and all but I don't really like to see an end with them.. and the hell was that I will introduce you to him?

Finally I've seen the Shironeko they are talking about actually I've read a spoiler about it and been waiting for it since the very beginning of the series, oh and inside the Comiket (#8) I really like that scene well you can see how happy Ruri and how sad was Kirino its somehow cruel but well I just wanted to be honest.

Oh and it seems like there is a new male character on the next episode which will be someone to be Kirino's boyfriend(I doubt that not happening) but well Kuroneko will be happy when its true and me as well but its somehow really impossible. Anyways I really don't care about it..but I'm still looking forward for the next episode.

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